Crystal Therapy Treatments

Crystal healing works with powerful energy of the crystals with the chakra points by first cleansing them before boosting them for a full body healing.  This treatment helps with replacing negative feelings and emotions with positive ones.  ...
Pellowah Energy Healing Treatments

Pellowah Energy Healing Treatments

Pellowah healing is a hands-off treatment, working with cosmic energy on the root cause of conditions to allow shifts in consciousness, release blockages and raise vibration. Realigning all meridians in the body gives a feeling of well-being and greater connection to...
Vikki Ede

Vikki Ede

With 29 years of experience Vikki’s unique blend of nutritional therapy, emotional aromatherapy and crystal healing supports women to successfully alleviate their menopause issues naturally. Her toolbox allows her to create tailor-made solutions to empower women to...
Soul Midwifery Training for Angelic Reiki Healers

Soul Midwifery Training for Angelic Reiki Healers

Death can eclipse and shatter everything, but when a death is good the room is filled with peace and all the pain that went before it is forgotten; where there was mystery there is knowledge and where there was fear there is love – this is the work of the Soul...
Archangel Metatron Methods

Archangel Metatron Methods

This workshop is for angelic reiki practitioners and master teachers who feel ready to understand the nature of Angelic Reiki and the gift that is AA Metatron. It is a new body of work which reveals in-depth spiritual principles that underpin the power of that which...